Chartered Accountants Worldwide

Chartered Accountants in One Young World

Chartered Accountants Worldwide participation at One Young World is nothing new. The organisation have been sending delegates to the annual event for a number of years. What’s new is their use and integration of social media and a managed online strategy around the event.

The stated goal of One Young World is to gather together the brightest young leaders from around the world, empowering them to create positive change from within their work environments. Bogota, Colombia was the location for the 2017 event and Chartered Accountants Worldwide sent 10 delegates to the event. Their role was to ‘fly the flag’ for young Chartered Accountants by demonstrating how the analytical and problem solving skills of a Chartered Accountant can contribute to improving the world we live in.

We worked with Chartered Accountants Worldwide to support their online communications around the event. First we created a dedicated space on the website where this content would live – linked from the homepage and existing in navigation. This URL along with the hashtag for the event would be key components in all correspondence both official and from the delegates themselves, creating a hub for all activity.

This consolidated approach made it easy to engage in conversations, track delegate experience and then quickly report on the event through the website and newsletter updates. Twitter engagement in particular helped feed the conversation and drive traffic through the website. Video from delegates as well as officially commissioned pieces were used to document the learning from the event and made for positive and sticky content for the website.

Chartered Accountants Worldwide is a global organisation that brings together the leading institutes of Chartered Accountants from around the world to support, develop and promote the vital role that Chartered Accountants play throughout the global economy.

Big Top Multimedia developed the new Chartered Accountants Worldwide site in 2016. The site is fully responsive and integrated with their email and online marketing strategies.