11 Jun National Youth Council of Ireland
In 2018 The National Youth Council of Ireland (NYCI) commissioned Big Top Multimedia to create a fully interactive site that would combine content from a number of NYCI websites into one new, easy to use structure in one location.
NYCI is the umbrella representative body for voluntary youth work organisations in Ireland. As a community, members are empowered through excellent youth work to realise their potential and actively participate in an inclusive society. NYCI, celebrated 50 years in existence in 2017. From small beginnings in 1967 it has grown to become Ireland’s leading voice on youth issues, representing organisations working with over 380,000 young people nationwide.
Prior to the revamp, NYCI had a number of separate websites that covered each facet of their business. The work carried out by Big Top Multimedia entailed replacing the following websites:
- Childprotection.ie
- Intercultural.ie
- Youtharts.ie
- Youthdeved.ie
- Youthhealth.ie
- Youth.ie
With one new site – www.youth.ie.
The new site contains multiple new features, such as online event booking, a searchable document library and a private members area which allows NYCI members to login and share content with colleagues in a secure environment. The private members area allows members share ideas, collaborate in group discussions and keep up to date with all NYCI activities.
Having everything “under one roof” makes it so much easier for NYCI members, and people looking to upskill by taking a course, or join NYCI, to find what they need.
The project demonstrates the ability of Big Top Multimedia to deliver high quality, interactive, rich-media experiences to audiences. You can visit the new and improved National Youth Council of Ireland (NYCI) website at youth.ie