Young DMD

Young Difference Makers – Liam Guthrie

Check out the latest Difference Makers Podcast from Chartered Accountants Worldwide produced by the team at Big Top…

Liam Guthrie: Breaking the mold and saying ‘yes’ to opportunity

In the latest episode, Liam, who shattered the mold of a traditional accountant, shares how his role transcends mere number crunching and evolves into the art of communicating financial intricacies to business leaders.

This conversation is for anyone who believes their background might define their future – it doesn’t. Liams work with the ICAS – The Professional Body of CAs foundation and his empowering keynote speech at the ICAS admission ceremony illuminate the importance of diversity in thought and experience in the field of accountancy.

Check out the podcast for a dose of resilience, determination, and inspiration in the accounting world over at